Stay And Play Group Is Back And Its Proving Popular!

Playgroup: A sensational, sensory, success!
We LOVED welcoming participants, new and old, at Thursday Morning Playgroup. It was our first outdoor Stay and Play group since lockdown. We set up distanced hand washing and sensory play stations. This ensured we all could meet and enjoy ourselves safely. Its been a really hard time for many people. As a result, those who already struggle with isolation have been hit hardest by lockdown restrictions. It really has been a pleasure to offer our services online making sure nobody is left out. You can find out about that by clicking here. But wow, we missed being messy together!
We had sandpits; water troughs; fossil hunts; dinosaur mayhem; building blocks; pyramids and tunnels; and obviously we couldn’t let the session end without a story, music, dancing and a good old natter. We LOVE hanging out with you all. Its good to be back!
Our groups are limited in size, so you will need to be book in advance for all attendees. You can see and book onto sessions via ‘Book When’ by clicking here. You can also follow our social media to keep up to date. All our toys will always be washed thoroughly before and after sessions. You’re all awesome and look out for each other beautifully. We still need to ask that you do not attend if you’re symptomatic of COVID 19 or have been around people who are. You won’t miss out though, because you can always attend a one to one or group live session online until you’re well.
We aren’t going anywhere, unless you’re coming too!
Will we see you at the next playgroup? Book in fast because we’ve been fully booked in hours every time so far. We don’t want you to miss out, but if you do, check out our Facebook Live workshops. They’re free, and they’re fabulous!